Oncio App Local Storage Notice


This notice applies to your use of:

The Oncio mobile application software (App), once you have downloaded or streamed a copy of the App onto your mobile telephone or handheld device (Device).

Any of the services accessible through the App (Services).

This notice will inform you as to the App stores data on your Device and retrieves data from your Device.

Important information and who we are

Oncio CIC is the controller and is responsible for your personal data (referred to as “Oncio”, “we”, “us” or “our” in this policy).

We have appointed a data protection officer (DPO). If you have any questions about this privacy notice, please contact them using the details set out below.

Cookies, tracking and similar technologies

Our App uses cookies to distinguish you from other users of our app. This helps us to provide you with a good experience when you use our app and also allows us to improve our app.

A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers and that is stored on your Device if you agree.

This notice also applies to:

  • Device fingerprinting. Information that your Device operating system or browser makes available to us, via the App, and which can be used to distinguish your Device from others.

  • Local storage. If you agree, the App will store some of its resources on your Device. Resources like video and images are large files and take a long time to download. Storing them on your Device reduces the time required for downloads.

First and third party cookies

Some apps and websites write cookies that are for third parties, such as social network or video service providers. Those third parties then use their own apps and websites to read the cookies, when you use their apps or websites. Cookies like that are ‘third party cookies’.

Our App only uses ‘first party cookies’. It writes cookies for us to retrieve, via the App. It does not write third party cookies.

Device fingerprinting

Our App does not use device fingerprinting.

Local storage

Each app on your Device has its own allocated local storage. Our App uses its own allocation. It does not have access to storage allocated to other apps, and our App is not intended to allow other apps access to its local storage.

Your choices about cookies and local storage

You can decide whether our App (and other apps) can use local storage or cookies on your Device. The way that you do this depends on the make and model of your Device and its operating system.

  • For cookies, see www.allaboutcookies.org for more information. It provides guidance about a range of devices and operating systems (and internet browsers).

  • For local storage, consult your documentation about your Device and operating system to confirm how to delete App content from local storage or, if your Device allows, to turn off local storage (whether for all apps, or just this App if your Device allows you to be specific).

Our use of cookies and local storage

The App does not use cookies.You can find more information about the App’s use of local storage in the table below:

Your and our third-party service providers who we use to operate the App may process the above information. Your connectivity provider will transmit the stored information, and it will be used by the computer systems that support the App (and currently we use Amazon Web Services to host those systems). Their task is to transmit and process, not to view, the information and, for our part, that is how we instruct AWS.

Neither we nor the App share the above information with any third parties for them to use for their own purposes.